Introducing the National Boiler and Burner Mapping Project
The Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2EP) and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) have been engaged by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to build the first ever national database of industrial boilers and burners.
The primary objective is to gather valuable insights into the age, energy consumption, fuel and performance of Australia's largest boilers and burners. This type of industry-wide information doesn't currently exist at the national level. However, it is crucial for shaping future industrial studies, programs and policies, which could include funding incentives.

Our focus is on providing support to businesses in enhancing their energy productivity and advancing decarbonisation efforts. Additionally, the findings will contribute valuable insight to the development of Australia’s National Energy Performance Strategy (NEPS) and the Australian Energy Market Operator’s Integrated System Plan.
We are eager to collaborate with Australia's major energy users to complete this research. We anticipate that most of the required information is readily available to your organisation’s operational staff or consultants with experience in National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting, the Safeguard Mechanism, and or projects related to boiler efficiency and decarbonisation pathways.

New Zealand Regional Heat Demand Database
This is not the first time such a project has been attempted. The New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) has developed the Regional Heat Demand Database, an interactive data visualisation tool that enables users to view process heat fuel demand by region and sector. The tool is intended to aid industrial decarbonisation and grid infrastructure planning as industry transitions to being electrified. Learn more about this project.
We need your assistance to make this happen for Australia
What do we need from you to get started?
While not a quick exercise, we have endeavoured to make the process as simple as possible. We need to secure 45 basic data points from you to properly conduct this research.
Why should you take part in this research?
To meet net zero targets and maintain competitiveness in a low-carbon world, Australia industry needs to decarbonise and improve energy productive. Transitioning from fossil fuel-based heating will be a major challenge associated with this. Understanding the scale and nature of the challenge will aid governments and organisations like A2EP to support industry through this transition with information, funding and other forms of support.

We know that every business is at a different stage on the road to clean energy, but with this information we’ll be able to help you to begin the transition, whether or not it’s today or at the end of life of your boiler.
Data protection and confidentiality
Data confidentiality is of the utmost importance. The raw data will only be visible to the project team (listed below) will compile all information and details about the industrial sites, making sure all information will be anonymised. Two databases will be delivered. The first will be an in-confidence master database to inform energy policy. Access to this database will be governed by the Australian Public Service code of conduct. A second limited, anonymised data extract will be delivered and published on the DCCEEW website only if specifically approved by each end user.
Click here to view the data consent form that outlines exactly who will have access to this data.
Meet the project team

Associate Professor Andrea Trianni
Deputy Head Of School (Research),
School of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, UTS

Michaela Ling
Program Manager
Australia Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2EP)

Jarrod Leak
Chief Executive Offiver
Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2EP)