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Energy grants and funding

Various governments and agencies are offering funding and support for demonstration projects and to assist businesses and other organisations with their decarbonisation journeys.


On this page we will maintain a register of grants and funding opportunities targeted at business and industrial energy users and solution providers.

Grant and funding opportunities currently available:





National Industrial Transformation Program

The $40 million National Industrial Transformation (NIT) Program, which is aimed at supporting the reduction of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions at existing or planned industrial facilities in Australia. The NIT Program is an update to the former Industrial Energy Transformation Studies Program (IETS) and will more comprehensively support industrial decarbonisation. Unlike the recently announced Industrial Transformation Stream, the NIT program is not restricted to regional locations and offers broader support for industry, including funding for renewables, energy efficiency and electrification. Learn more.


Powering the Regions - Industrial Transformation Stream

The first round of funding totals $150m and is accepting applications from 30 November 2023 to December 2024 or until funds are exhausted. The funding is for studies, demonstration and deployment projects focussed on regional decarbonisation of industrial process heat and off-road transportation. Learn more. 


Powering the Regions - Safeguard Transformation Stream

The first round of this funding stream will provide grants of $50,000 to $50 million (covering up to 50% of project costs) to trade-exposed facilities to reduce their emissions and contribute to meeting Australia’s emissions reduction targets. Learn more.


National - Hydrogen Headstart

Announced in the 2023 federal budget, the $2 billion Hydrogen Headstart program will deliver a step change in Australia’s renewable hydrogen production by underwriting some of the largest electrolyser deployments in the world. Following consultation, the program is now in the design phase. Full applications for those who have already submitted EOIs are due 27 June 2024. Learn more.





Business Energy and Water Program

Small-to-medium business can claim a rebate of up to $5,000 to upgrade to water-efficient and energy-efficient technologies, including appliances, cooling or heating, hot water, insulation, lighting, refrigeration and tapware and toilets. Learn more.





Metering Plan Implementation Grants

NSW businesses can now apply now for a metering plan implementation grant and receive up to $100,000 to cover up to 50% of the costs of installing an energy metering and monitoring system to help unlock data about energy use, potentially save around 5 to 15% in energy costs and understand if electrification is practical at the site. The due date for applications has been extended to 29 July 2024 or when funding is exhausted. Learn more. 


Energy Savings Scheme

NSW businesses can seek support for activities which will help to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Eligible activities for commercial and industrial sites includes lighting upgrades, air conditioner replacement, installation of air source heat pump water heater systems, replacement of boilers and compressed air system activities. Learn more.


High-emitting industries – Net Zero Industry and Innovation Investment Plan

$305 million in funding is available to help high-emitting industries develop and deploy decarbonisation projects, from feasibility studies through to commissioning. Learn more.


Peak Demand Reduction Scheme

The Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS) from the NSW Government provides incentives to install more efficient appliances that use less electricity during peak times, such as air conditioners, refrigerated cabinets, heat pump hot water systems and motors for ventilation or refrigeration. Learn more.





Smarter Business Solutions

Northern Territory businesses and other eligible organisations can apply for grants to help fund energy advice and audits, renewable energy system installations and the implementation of efficiency measures. Learn more.





Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant

The Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant (MEEG) Program is a $7.1 million Queensland Government program helping the manufacturing sector to increase their competitiveness in a low carbon future by implementing energy efficiency measures that reduce energy costs and operational emissions. Queensland-based manufacturers with less than 200 FTE staff can apply for matched funding grants of $5,000 to $25,000. Learn more.





Energy efficiency loan scheme for commercial and industrial businesses

The Tasmanian Government has created the Business Energy Efficiency Scheme (BEES) to assist commercial and industrial businesses with the upfront costs of energy efficiency measures. Learn more.




Victorian Energy Upgrades program

The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program gives businesses discounts on a wide range of energy-efficient products that can help cut power bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Products eligible for support include lighting, refrigeration, ventilation and heating and cooling (including heat pumps). Depending on the size of your business and the upgrade/s, you can save between $500 and $74,000 a year on energy costs. Learn more.


Large energy user electrification support program

The Large Energy User Electrification Support Program provides funding for electrification feasibility assessments for large commercial and industrial business facilities that use between 10 and 100 terajoules of gas per annum. EOIs are now open for suppliers who wish to be listed as approved suppliers of feasibility assessments under the program. EOIs close 5pm, 19 April 2024. Learn more.





Community Energy Upgrades Fund

First-round applications are now open for this $100 million program. Councils can apply for $25,000 to $2.5 million in co-funding grants for high-impact energy upgrades of community facilities which could include upgrades like replacing energy-intensive heating in council pools with heat pumps and energy efficient lighting and battery storage at sporting fields, libraries and community centres. Round 1 applications have closed with Round 2 expected to open in early-2025. Learn more.


National – Powering Australia Technology Fund
A $500 million fund administered through the Clean Energy Finance Corporation which will help businesses progress innovative projects and technologies to reduce emissions. Learn more.


NSW – Renewable Fuels Scheme

Part of the NSW Hydrogen Strategy, this scheme will incentivise the production of green hydrogen. Set to being in 2024. Learn more.


Anything we've missed? Submissions for inclusion on this page can be sent to




A2EP is an independent, not-for-profit coalition of business and research leaders helping Australian businesses pursue a cleaner and more successful future by producing more with less energy.

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