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A2EP and EEC to research the potential for heat pumps to aid decarbonisation in Australia

20 July 2021

We are pleased to announce a major new collaboration between A2EP and the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC).

Both our organisations have had a longstanding interest in the role of heat pumps in reducing emissions and delivering better outcomes for households and businesses right across the economy. Heat pumps are highly efficient, can be powered by renewable electricity and can support grid stability.

While there has been significant effort on research, development and deployment of heat pumps overseas, Australian policymakers have been hampered by significant knowledge gaps. In light of this, A2EP and the EEC have been commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) to undertake a comprehensive, cross-sectoral study on the role heat pumps can play in reducing emissions.

This work will cover:

  • The current state of play of the heat pump market in residential and commercial buildings, manufacturing and agriculture;

  • Opportunities for heat pumps to play an increased role in each of these sectors;

  • What increased uptake of heat pumps would mean in terms of emissions, productivity and cost; and

  • Policy and program options available to government, including the role of standards, workforce development, research and development and incentives to drive deployment.

This project will take place over the next several months and will leverage the expertise of both A2EP and EEC, and the deep knowledge of our members and our broader networks.

If you would like to provide feedback or be kept up to date on the project’s progress, please fill out this expression of interest and we’ll keep you in the loop.


A2EP is an independent, not-for-profit coalition of business and research leaders helping Australian businesses pursue a cleaner and more successful future by producing more with less energy.

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