2 May 2024

A2EP has made a submission on behalf of its Members to the Australian Government's Electricity and Energy Sector Plan discussion paper, one of six sectoral emission reduction plans.
In the submission, A2EP makes a number of points focussed on the demand-side of energy use of the sector, including:
the underestimation of industrial electrification needs in AEMO’s Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan (ISP)
the under estimation of the potential of bioenergy for renewable heating (and transport) is grossly under-estimated and the assumption of delivery via the existing gas network is reducing the opportunity
the over-estimation of how fast industry will be electrified.
The submission also discusses barriers to transforming Australia's electricity and energy sector, such as a lack of data on heating demands, bioenergy feedstocks and waste heat, too much focus on renewable energy supply and not enough on renewable energy demand and usage, and general barriers to industrial heat decarbonisation via electrification and bioenergy.