Thursday 13 May 2021

Hosted by CEO of A2EP, Jarrod Leak, this regular energy market update is essential for energy end-users and consultants.
During this May update Tennant Reed from Australian Industry Group updated us on the energy market and then we were briefed on energy policies and programs from the NSW and Victorian governments.
Watch the recording below.
The briefing included presentations from:

Tennant Reed
Head of Climate, Energy and Environment Policy
Australian Industry Group

Mick O'Flynn
Director, Sustainability Programs
NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

Paul Lang
Manager, Large Energy Users, Energy Demand and Efficiency Policy
Department of Energy, Land Water and Planning (Victoria)

Nicholas Balgue
Manager - Business Solutions | Industry & Infrastructure
Sustainability Victoria
Hosted by:

Jarrod Leak,
CEO, Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2EP)