Tuesday 14 June 2022

Interested industry members were invited to participate in a workshop for RACE for 2030 B2: Industry 4.0 for energy productivity Opportunity Assessment work theme on 14 June 2022.
Industry members were encouraged to hear and provide feedback on the progress of this work group which is investigating and prioritising the potential opportunities of Industry 4.0/IoT to transform manufacturing and improve energy productivity.
During the previous six months, we have built a small group of industry leaders to inform an assessment of opportunities for the development of Industry 4.0 and energy productivity in Australia. This group has worked with academic and other partners to quantify potential, identify pathways and recommend priorities for action. This will set a course for industry-led research, development and demonstration over the next decade.
The team leading this project:
Associate Professor Andrea Trianni, University of Technology, Sydney
Dr Stephen White, CSIRO, Adelaide
Dr Ben Cheng, RMIT, Melbourne
Alan Pears AM, Senior Technical Advisor, A2EP, Melbourne
Jarrod Leak, CEO, Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2EP), Sydney
Prof. David Lindsay, UTS Law, Sydney
Dr Nick Bennett, UTS, Sydney
Frank Zeichner, CEO, IoT Alliance Australia