Well, we made it. And you made it! The end of the year is nigh so we wanted to say thanks for joining us for the ride in 2021. Even with all the challenges and uncertainty, I think you'll agree this year has felt like a turning point in terms of action on decarbonising our economy to mitigate climate change. While all the right ambition and policies aren't quite there in all the right places, you can feel extraordinary momentum from business and industry which I am confident will build significantly in 2022.
I am proud to say this has been our biggest year yet in terms of projects, research and advocacy with governments that understand the benefits of energy productivity and the environmental and economic imperatives to decarbonise our economies. Here are some highlights:
NSW Department of Primary Industries Energy Efficiency Solutions project - Measurement, evaluation and reporting for nine site implementations funded by NSW Department of Primary Industries.
Compressed air report for NSW DPIE - Alan Pears delivered an excellent A2EP report on improving compressed air efficiency and alternatives to compressed air that are more efficient and offer additional, non-energy benefits to businesses.
Other projects for NSW DPIE - we have been developing and testing a tool to help scope and specify heat pumps for industry, and working on an electrification impact study, aquatic centre energy saving certificate project and heat pump screening pilot.
Process heat engagement for ARENA - we have continued process heat decarbonisation work for ARENA with a series of fantastic webinars during our Heat Pump Month and a new online process heat resource to be delivered in January. Stay tuned...
Heat Pump Study with the Energy Efficiency Council - we are working with the EEC to report for DISER on the potential for industrial and residential heat pumps to delivery decarbonisation in Australia.
RACE for 2030 - We have led the industry engagement to develop opportunity assessments for B1 Transforming Value Chains, B2 Industry 4.0 for Energy Productivity, B3 Decarbonising Industrial Process Heat and B5 Anaerobic Digestion for Electricity, Transport and Gas and participated in other streams of work.
Energy Innovation X-Change 2021 - Together with our conference partner, RACE for 2030, we delivered two jampacked afternoons of info about the latest energy productivity innovations (and how to implement them) as well as the innovations that are in the pipeline.
Delivery of comprehensive reports for NSW DPI - we worked with MOV3MENT on a report on options to transition from diesel use in agriculture and with Energetics on the distributed energy potential for NSW primary industries.
Online webinars and workshops - 2021 saw a record number of events from A2EP with 11 webinars to support our focus areas and projects for government and numerous online workshops as part of our work for RACE for 2030. Most events are recorded and posted on our YouTube channel which is growing in popularity.
Agriculture Victoria Broker Connect Pilot - a project for AgVic to assess approaches for improved collaboration between primary producers and energy service providers.
We could not have achieved this without the hard work of our A2EP team, our board or our members and partner organisations. I sincerely thank you all for your expertise, time and passion. We are busily planning another year of great work and events for furthering energy productivity, however, we know next year's successes will only possible if we step back, rest and relax over the festive season.
The A2EP office will be closed and the email out-of-office messages will be on from 24 December 2021 to 10 January 2022.
If you have anything urgent, please call +61 419 356 339. We wish you all a very happy, safe and relaxing festive season and look forward to seeing you in 2022!
Kind regards, Jarrod Leak Chief Executive Officer Follow A2EP on LinkedIn | Follow A2EP on Twitter