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Simble smart monitoring for ten on-farm energy productivity pilots

22 February 2021

The Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2EP) has contracted Simble Solutions to deploy its monitoring products and services to ten agricultural sites as part of a project funded by the New South Wales Government.

The SimbleSense energy monitoring and CarbonView emissions reporting platforms with Internet of Things (IoT) meters will be implemented at ten sites selected by the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) through its Energy Efficiency Solutions program. These pilot projects form a batch of ten studies to assess technical and commercial feasibility. The sites will test a range of innovative on-farm energy productivity improvements including flow batteries, advanced chillers and load management. A2EP is providing support to the pilot proponents and the Department of Primary Industries.

The Simble products are a critical element for the measurement and evaluation of impact and success. Information collected by the Simble platforms will be available to the participating farms in real time and to A2EP for a whole-of-project view as it supports the proponents and DPI during implementation.

“In these projects the Simble products will help to demonstrate the success of the energy productivity pilot projects and help the farm managers use their energy in a smarter way to save money and reduce emissions,” said Jarrod Leak, CEO of A2EP.

“Smart, real-time monitoring and measurement is vital for the success of any energy project. The sophisticated products and services available across the market not only help businesses to save energy and take advantage of cost saving measures such as demand response, they can also flag overall productivity issues and emerging maintenance issues so they can be addressed before reaching crisis point.”

A2EP is working towards pilot projects in other sectors and other technologies. Our aim is to build a portfolio of real-world data to inform policy and program development in support of greater energy productivity across the economy.

The Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2EP) is an independent, not-for-profit coalition of research, business and government leaders helping Australian businesses pursue a cleaner and more successful future by producing more with less energy. It has a focus on the manufacturing and agriculture sectors, and their intersection, food processing.

more with less energy. We

Learn more about this project and the solutions being implemented:

The 60kW solar array at the The Pines Kiama, one of the participating sites. Photo: The Pines Kiama.


A2EP is an independent, not-for-profit coalition of business and research leaders helping Australian businesses pursue a cleaner and more successful future by producing more with less energy.

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