Hitting net zero targets won’t be possible without decarbonising the transport sector. One fifth of Australia's energy-related emissions stem from transport, and freight transport is the critical link between the different stages of all value chains. Urgent action is needed to reverse the growing emissions trajectory to meet both national targets and corporate scope 3 ambitions.
Watch our webinar hosted on 27 July 2023 in partnership with MOV3MENT to find out what can be done to solve this challenge, the rapid shift to low emission freight vehicles, and examples of collaboration between freight buyers and logistics suppliers, as no single party can solve this issue alone. Hear from freight experts on what others are doing, and learn about practical actions you can take today to accelerate decarbonisation in your supply chain.
*Please note: Justin Merrell from Lion was unable to join us due to unforeseen circumstances, however, his fellow presenters were able to speak to his slides on his behalf.
Speakers for this event:

Ruby Diaz Manager Environmental Sustainability, Linfox Logistics

Paul Kahlert CEO, All Purpose Transport

Mark Gjerek Director, MOV3MENT

Rik Arends Director of the Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance at the Smart Freight Centre

Justin Merrell Group Sustainability Director, Lion